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Generalizes the secant method of root finding by using quadratic 3-point interpolation q=(x_n-x_(n-1))/(x_(n-1)-x_(n-2)). (1) Then define A = ...
Multi-index notation is used to shorten expressions that contain many indices. Let x in R^n and write x=(x_1,...,x_n). A multi-index alpha is an n-tuple of integers alpha_j ...
A multidimensional polylogarithm is a generalization of the usual polylogarithm to L_(a_1,...,a_m)(z)=sum_(n_1>...>n_m>0)(z^(n_1))/(n_1^(a_1)...n_m^(a_m)) with positive ...
A measure for which the q-dimension D_q varies with q.
A multilinear form on a vector space V(F) over a field F is a map f:V(F)×...×V(F)->F (1) such that c·f(u_1,...,u_i,...,u_n)=f(u_1,...,c·u_i,...,u_n) (2) and ...
Possessing more than one mode. A set of values having a single unique mode is said to be unimodal, one with two modes is called bimodal, and one with three modes is called ...
A multinomial series is generalization of the binomial series discovered by Johann Bernoulli and Leibniz. The multinomial series arises in a generalization of the binomial ...
The number k in the expression s(n)=kn for a multiperfect number is called its class.
A function for which several distinct functional values correspond (as a result of different continuations) to one and the same point (Knopp 1996, p. 94).
A multiple of a number x is any quantity y=nx with n an integer. If x and y are integers, then x is called a factor of y. The smallest positive number m for which there exist ...
