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The best known example of an Anosov diffeomorphism. It is given by the transformation [x_(n+1); y_(n+1)]=[1 1; 1 2][x_n; y_n], (1) where x_(n+1) and y_(n+1) are computed mod ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function, and define the aliquot sequence of n by ...
Bessel's correction is the factor (N-1)/N in the relationship between the variance sigma and the expectation values of the sample variance, <s^2>=(N-1)/Nsigma^2, (1) where ...
Let X_1,X_2,...,X_N be a set of N independent random variates and each X_i have an arbitrary probability distribution P(x_1,...,x_N) with mean mu_i and a finite variance ...
A colossally abundant number is a positive integer n for which there is a positive exponent epsilon such that (sigma(n))/(n^(1+epsilon))>=(sigma(k))/(k^(1+epsilon)) for all ...
A measure nu of a strange attractor which allows the presence of chaos to be distinguished from random noise. It is related to the capacity dimension D and information ...
The Davenport constant of a finite Abelian group G is defined to be the length of the longest minimal zero-system of G and is denoted D(G). Symbolically, ...
If x_1/n_1 and x_2/n_2 are the observed proportions from standard normally distributed samples with proportion of success theta, then the probability that ...
A theorem proved by Doob (1942) which states that any random process which is both normal and Markov has the following forms for its correlation function C_y(tau), spectral ...
A curve on the unit sphere S^2 is an eversion if it has no corners or cusps (but it may be self-intersecting). These properties are guaranteed by requiring that the curve's ...
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