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An abstract machine is a model of a computer system (considered either as hardware or software) constructed to allow a detailed and precise analysis of how the computer ...
A Lie algebra is a vector space g with a Lie bracket [X,Y], satisfying the Jacobi identity. Hence any element X gives a linear transformation given by ad(X)(Y)=[X,Y], (1) ...
Let P be the set of prime ideals of a commutative ring A. Then an affine scheme is a technical mathematical object defined as the ring spectrum sigma(A) of P, regarded as a ...
Algebraic number theory is the branch of number theory that deals with algebraic numbers. Historically, algebraic number theory developed as a set of tools for solving ...
The alternating group graph AG_n is the undirected Cayley graph of the set of 2(n-2) generators of the alternating group A_n given by g_3^-, g_3^+, g_4^-, g_4^+, ..., g_n^-, ...
A square matrix A is antihermitian if it satisfies A^(H)=-A, (1) where A^(H) is the adjoint. For example, the matrix [i 1+i 2i; -1+i 5i 3; 2i -3 0] (2) is an antihermitian ...
An aperiodic tiling is a non-periodic tiling in which arbitrarily large periodic patches do not occur. A set of tiles is said to be aperiodic if they can form only ...
The associahedron is the n-dimensional generalization of the pentagon. It was discovered by Stasheff in 1963 and it is also known as the Stasheff polytope. The number of ...
An integer n is p-balanced for p a prime if, among all nonzero binomial coefficients (n; k) for k=0, ..., n (mod p), there are equal numbers of quadratic residues and ...
The attractor of the iterated function system given by the set of "fern functions" f_1(x,y) = [0.85 0.04; -0.04 0.85][x; y]+[0.00; 1.60] (1) f_2(x,y) = [-0.15 0.28; 0.26 ...
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