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A flexible polyhedron due to C. Schwabe (with the appearance of having four horns) which flexes from one totally flat configuration to another, passing through intermediate ...
The catacaustic of the quadrifolium with arbitrary radiant point is a complicated function. A few example are illustrated above.
A quadrilateral tiling is a tiling of the plane by identical quadrilaterals. Any nonself-intersecting quadrilateral (Wells 1991, p. 208) tiles the plane, as illustrated above.
The analog of trilinear coordinates for tetrahedra.
A point where a curve intersects itself along four arcs. The above plot shows the quadruple point at the origin of the quadrifolium (x^2+y^2)^3-4x^2y^2=0.
A quantified system of real algebraic equations and inequalities in variables {x_1,...,x_n} is an expression QS=Q_1(y_1)Q_2(y_2)...Q_m(y_m)S(x_1,...,x_n;y_1,...,y_m), where Q ...
One of the operations exists exists (called the existential quantifier) or for all forall (called the universal quantifier, or sometimes, the general quantifier). However, ...
The study of the implications of chaos for a system in the semiclassical (i.e., between classical and quantum mechanical) regime. In quantum chaos, trajectories do not ...
QD=1/2(Q_3-Q_1), where Q_1 and Q_3 are the first and third quartiles and Q_3-Q_1 is the interquartile range.
V=100(Q_3-Q_1)/(Q_3+Q_1), where Q_1 and Q_3 are the first and third quartiles and Q_3-Q_1 is the interquartile range.
