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A polytope in n-dimensional Euclidean space R^n whose vertices are integer lattice points but which does not contain any other lattice points in its interior or on its ...
A number r is an nth root of unity if r^n=1 and a primitive nth root of unity if, in addition, n is the smallest integer of k=1, ..., n for which r^k=1.
A sequence in which no term divides any other. Let S_n be the set {1,...,n}, then the number of primitive subsets of S_n are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 33, 45, 73, 103, 205, 253, ...
The directions in which the principal curvatures occur.
An ideal I of a ring R is called principal if there is an element a of R such that I=aR={ar:r in R}. In other words, the ideal is generated by the element a. For example, the ...
If a function f has a pole at z_0, then the negative power part sum_(j=-k)^(-1)a_j(z-z_0)^j (1) of the Laurent series of f about z_0 sum_(j=-k)^inftya_j(z-z_0)^j (2) is ...
At each point on a given a two-dimensional surface, there are two "principal" radii of curvature. The larger is denoted R_1, and the smaller R_2. The "principal directions" ...
A tangent vector v_(p)=v_1x_u+v_2x_v is a principal vector iff det[v_2^2 -v_1v_2 v_1^2; E F G; e f g]=0, where e, f, and g are coefficients of the first fundamental form and ...
A polygon vertex x_i of a simple polygon P is a principal polygon vertex if the diagonal [x_(i-1),x_(i+1)] intersects the boundary of P only at x_(i-1) and x_(i+1).
Let D be a subset of the nonnegative integers Z^* with the properties that (1) the integer 0 is in D and (2) any time that the interval [0,n] is contained in D, one can show ...
