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A symbol employed in a formal propositional calculus.
A popular acronym for "principal ideal domain." In engineering circles, the acronym PID refers to the "proportional-integral-derivative method" algorithm for controlling ...
The statistical index P_P=(sump_nq_n)/(sump_0q_n), where p_n is the price per unit in period n and q_n is the quantity produced in period n.
The fraction eta of a volume filled by a given collection of solids.
Given an amicable pair (m,n), the quantity sigma(m) = sigma(n) (1) = =s(m)+s(n) (2) = m+n (3) is called the pair sum, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the ...
The Paley class of a positive integer m=0 (mod 4) is defined as the set of all possible quadruples (k,e,q,n) where m=2^e(q^n+1), (1) q is an odd prime, and k={0 if q=0; 1 if ...
Proved in 1933. If q is an odd prime or q=0 and n is any positive integer, then there is a Hadamard matrix of order m=2^e(q^n+1), where e is any positive integer such that ...
The paper folding constant is the constant given by P = sum_(k=0)^(infty)1/(2^(2^k))(1-1/(2^(2^(k+2))))^(-1) (1) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(8^(2^k))/(2^(2^(k+2))-1) (2) = ...
The Pappus configuration is the 9_3 configuration illustrated above that appears in Pappus's hexagon theorem. It is one of the three 9_3 configurations. The Levi graph of the ...
The Pappus spiral is the name given to the conical spiral with parametric equations x(t) = asin(alphat)cost (1) y(t) = asin(alphat)sint (2) x(t) = acos(alphat) (3) by ...
