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A function is called locally integrable if, around every point in the domain, there is a neighborhood on which the function is integrable. The space of locally integrable ...
A space X is locally pathwise-connected if for every neighborhood around every point in X, there is a smaller, pathwise-connected neighborhood.
Loess local regression is a nonparametric technique for describing bivariate relationships where the functional form is not known in advance.
The ordinary differential equation y^'=-y(1+kappa(x)y)/(1-kappa(x)y).
The log-series distribution, also sometimes called the logarithmic distribution (although this work reserves that term for a distinct distribution), is the distribution of ...
A method for testing nested hypotheses. To apply the procedure, given a specific model, calculate the likelihood of observing the actual data. Then compare this likelihood to ...
For all integers n and |x|<a, lambda_n^((t))(x+a)=sum_(k=0)^infty|_n; k]lambda_(n-k)^((t))(a)x^k, where lambda_n^((t)) is the harmonic logarithm and |_n; k] is a Roman ...
A branch point whose neighborhood of values wrap around an infinite number of times as their complex arguments are varied. The point z=0 under the function lnz is therefore a ...
The logarithmic derivative of a function f is defined as the derivative of the logarithm of a function. For example, the digamma function is defined as the logarithmic ...
The logarithmic distribution is a continuous distribution for a variate X in [a,b] with probability function P(x)=(lnx)/(b(lnb-1)-a(lna-1)) (1) and distribution function ...
