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An algorithm is said to be solvable in polynomial time if the number of steps required to complete the algorithm for a given input is O(n^k) for some nonnegative integer k, ...
A set A of integers is productive if there exists a partial recursive function f such that, for any x, the following holds: If the domain of phi_x is a subset of A, then f(x) ...
A type of cryptography in which the encoding key is revealed without compromising the encoded message. The two best-known methods are the knapsack problem and RSA encryption.
A qubit (or quantum bit) is the analog of a bit for quantum computation. Unlike an ordinary bit, which may only assume two possible values (usually called 0 and 1), a qubit ...
The algorithm of constructing and interpreting a quotient-difference table which allows interconversion of continued fractions, power series, and rational functions ...
For any constructible function f, there exists a function P_f such that for all functions t, the following two statements are equivalent: 1. There exists an algorithm A such ...
A recurrence plot is defined as a plot of the quantity R(t,tau)=H(epsilon-||f(t)-f(tau)||), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function and ||f|| denotes a norm. A recurrence ...
A set S of integers is said to be recursive if there is a total recursive function f(x) such that f(x)=1 for x in S and f(x)=0 for x not in S. Any recursive set is also ...
Rule 250 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
An algorithm for multiplying two 32-bit integers modulo a 32-bit constant without using any intermediates larger than 32 bits. It is also useful in certain types of random ...
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