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A local Banach algebra is a normed algebra A=(A,|·|_A) which satisfies the following properties: 1. If x in A and f is an analytic function on a neighborhood of the spectrum ...
The n-Pasechnik graph is a strongly regular graph on (4n-1)^2 vertices constructed from a skew Hadamard matrix of order 4n. It has regular parameters . The 1-Pasechnik is ...
If we expand the determinant of a matrix A using determinant expansion by minors, first in terms of the minors of order r formed from any r rows, with their complementaries, ...
The Stammler triangle is the triangle formed by the centers of the Stammler circles. It is an equilateral triangle. It circumscribes the circumcircle and homothetic to the ...
The permanent is an analog of a determinant where all the signs in the expansion by minors are taken as positive. The permanent of a matrix A is the coefficient of x_1...x_n ...
A connected bipartite graph is called Hamilton-laceable, a term apparently introduced in Simmons (1978), if it has a u-v Hamiltonian path for all pairs of vertices u and v, ...
Multiple edges are two or more edges connecting the same two vertices within a multigraph. Multiple edges of degree d_(ij) between vertex i and vertex j correspond to an ...
A one-person game played on a rectangular lattice of lamps which can be turned on and off. A move consists of flipping a "switch" inside one of the squares, thereby toggling ...
The distance polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of the graph distance matrix. The following table summarizes distance polynomials for some common classes of graphs. ...
Hadamard matrices H_n can be constructed using finite field GF(p^m) when p=4l-1 and m is odd. Pick a representation r relatively prime to p. Then by coloring white ...
