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The n×n square matrix F_n with entries given by F_(jk)=e^(2piijk/n)=omega^(jk) (1) for j,k=0, 1, 2, ..., n-1, where i is the imaginary number i=sqrt(-1), and normalized by ...
A block diagonal matrix, also called a diagonal block matrix, is a square diagonal matrix in which the diagonal elements are square matrices of any size (possibly even 1×1), ...
An integer matrix whose entries satisfy a_(ij)={0 if j>i+1; -1 if j=i+1; 0 or 1 if j<=i. (1) There are 2^(n-1) special minimal matrices of size n×n.
A generalized Vandermonde matrix of two sequences a and b where a is an increasing sequence of positive integers and b is an increasing sequence of nonnegative integers of ...
The matrix direct sum of n matrices constructs a block diagonal matrix from a set of square matrices, i.e., direct sum _(i=1)^nA_i = diag(A_1,A_2,...,A_n) (1) = [A_1 ; A_2 ; ...
A matrix H with elements H_(ij)=(i+j-1)^(-1) (1) for i,j=1, 2, ..., n. Hilbert matrices are implemented in the Wolfram Language by HilbertMatrix[m, n]. The figure above shows ...
A copositive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that makes the corresponding quadratic form f(x)=x^(T)Ax nonnegative for all nonnegative n-vectors x. Copositive ...
A square matrix with nonzero elements only on the diagonal and slots horizontally or vertically adjacent the diagonal (i.e., along the subdiagonal and superdiagonal), [a_(11) ...
Denote the sum of two matrices A and B (of the same dimensions) by C=A+B. The sum is defined by adding entries with the same indices c_(ij)=a_(ij)+b_(ij) over all i and j. ...
If the rank polynomial R(x,y) of a graph G is given by sumrho_(rs)x^ry^s, then rho_(rs) is the number of subgraphs of G with rank r and co-rank s, and the matrix (rho_(rs)) ...
