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The Jacobian conjecture in the plane, first stated by Keller (1939), states that given a ring map F of C[x,y] (the polynomial ring in two variables over the complex numbers ...
A lattice reduction algorithm, named after discoverers Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lovasz (1982), that produces a lattice basis of "short" vectors. It was noticed by Lenstra et al. ...
The Laplacian for a scalar function phi is a scalar differential operator defined by (1) where the h_i are the scale factors of the coordinate system (Weinberg 1972, p. 109; ...
The Löwenheim-Skolem theorem is a fundamental result in model theory which states that if a countable theory has a model, then it has a countable model. Furthermore, it has a ...
Let kappa_1 and kappa_2 be the principal curvatures, then their mean H=1/2(kappa_1+kappa_2) (1) is called the mean curvature. Let R_1 and R_2 be the radii corresponding to ...
For 2<=n<=32, it is possible to select 2n lattice points with x,y in [1,n] such that no three are in a straight line (where "straight line" means any line in the plane--not ...
A noncayley graph is a graph which is not a Cayley graph. All graphs that are not vertex-transitive are noncayley graphs. However, some vertex-transitive graph are noncayley. ...
An algorithm which can be used to find integer relations between real numbers x_1, ..., x_n such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. Although the algorithm ...
An involution of a set S is a permutation of S which does not contain any permutation cycles of length >2 (i.e., it consists exclusively of fixed points and transpositions). ...
A quadratic form Q(z) is said to be positive definite if Q(z)>0 for z!=0. A real quadratic form in n variables is positive definite iff its canonical form is ...
