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A random matrix is a matrix of given type and size whose entries consist of random numbers from some specified distribution. Random matrix theory is cited as one of the ...
A polynomial having random coefficients.
A random variable is a measurable function from a probability space (S,S,P) into a measurable space (S^',S^') known as the state space (Doob 1996). Papoulis (1984, p. 88) ...
A Young tableau chosen at random from those having a given shape. A random tableau can be generated by RandomTableau[shape] in the Wolfram Language package Combinatorica` . ...
A random polygon is a polygon generated in some random way. Kendall conjectured that the shape of a random polygon is close to a disk as the area of the polygon becomes large ...
A random variate is a variable generated from uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers. Depending on how they are generated, a random variate can be uniformly or ...
A random walk is a sequence of discrete steps in which each step is randomly taken subject to some set of restrictions in allowed directions and step lengths. Random walks ...
A statistical distribution in which the variates occur with probabilities asymptotically matching their "true" underlying statistical distribution is said to be random.
A slightly archaic term for a computer-generated random number. The prefix pseudo- is used to distinguish this type of number from a "truly" random number generated by a ...
Given a linear code C, a generator matrix G of C is a matrix whose rows generate all the elements of C, i.e., if G=(g_1 g_2 ... g_k)^(T), then every codeword w of C can be ...
