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A bra <psi| is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing kets |psi>. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
A ket |psi> is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing bras <psi|. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
The Wigner 3j-symbols (j_1 j_2 j_3; m_1 m_2 m_3), also known as "3j symbols" (Messiah 1962, p. 1056) or Wigner coefficients (Shore and Menzel 1968, p. 275) are quantities ...
The Dirac matrices are a class of 4×4 matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as ...
A plot of y_i versus the estimator e_i=y^^_i-y_i. Random scatter indicates the model is probably good. A pattern indicates a problem with the model. If the spread in e_i ...
In music, if a note has frequency f, integer multiples of that frequency, 2f,3f,4f and so on, are known as harmonics. As a result, the mathematical study of overlapping waves ...
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are mathematical symbol used to integrate products of three spherical harmonics. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients commonly arise in applications ...
The Laplacian for a scalar function phi is a scalar differential operator defined by (1) where the h_i are the scale factors of the coordinate system (Weinberg 1972, p. 109; ...
A solid dissection puzzle invented by Piet Hein during a lecture on Quantum Mechanics by Werner Heisenberg. There are seven soma pieces composed of all the irregular ...
There are four varieties of Airy functions: Ai(z), Bi(z), Gi(z), and Hi(z). Of these, Ai(z) and Bi(z) are by far the most common, with Gi(z) and Hi(z) being encountered much ...
