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A group homomorphism is a map f:G->H between two groups such that the group operation is preserved:f(g_1g_2)=f(g_1)f(g_2) for all g_1,g_2 in G, where the product on the ...
A Hermitian form on a vector space V over the complex field C is a function f:V×V->C such that for all u,v,w in V and all a,b in R, 1. f(au+bv,w)=af(u,w)+bf(v,w). 2. ...
A Hermitian inner product on a complex vector space V is a complex-valued bilinear form on V which is antilinear in the second slot, and is positive definite. That is, it ...
Given two modules M and N over a unit ring R, Hom_R(M,N) denotes the set of all module homomorphisms from M to N. It is an R-module with respect to the addition of maps, ...
The hyperfactorial (Sloane and Plouffe 1995) is the function defined by H(n) = K(n+1) (1) = product_(k=1)^(n)k^k, (2) where K(n) is the K-function. The hyperfactorial is ...
The hypersine (n-dimensional sine function) is a function of a vertex angle of an n-dimensional parallelotope or simplex. If the content of the parallelotope is P and the ...
The ratio of the independence number of a graph G to its vertex count is known as the independence ratio of G (Bollobás 1981). The product of the chromatic number and ...
Two variates A and B are statistically independent iff the conditional probability P(A|B) of A given B satisfies P(A|B)=P(A), (1) in which case the probability of A and B is ...
A differential ideal is an ideal I in the ring of smooth forms on a manifold M. That is, it is closed under addition, scalar multiplication, and wedge product with an ...
An element a of a ring which is nonzero, not a unit, and whose only divisors are the trivial ones (i.e., the units and the products ua, where u is a unit). Equivalently, an ...
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