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A module over a unit ring R is called divisible if, for all r in R which are not zero divisors, every element m of M can be "divided" by r, in the sense that there is an ...
Division by zero is the operation of taking the quotient of any number x and 0, i.e., x/0. The uniqueness of division breaks down when dividing by zero, since the product ...
For any alpha in A (where A denotes the set of algebraic numbers), let |alpha|^_ denote the maximum of moduli of all conjugates of alpha. Then a function ...
An edge coloring of a graph G is a coloring of the edges of G such that adjacent edges (or the edges bounding different regions) receive different colors. An edge coloring ...
A fact noticed by physicist G. Gamow when he had an office on the second floor and physicist M. Stern had an office on the sixth floor of a seven-story building (Gamow and ...
In mathematics, a small positive infinitesimal quantity, usually denoted epsilon or epsilon, whose limit is usually taken as epsilon->0. The late mathematician P. Erdős also ...
A number n is called equidigital if the number of digits in the prime factorization of n (including powers) uses the same number of digits as the number of digits in n. The ...
The equilateral cevian triangle point of a triangle is the unique point P such that the Cevian triangle of P is equilateral. This point is Kimberling center X_(370).
p is an equireciprocal point if, for every chord [x,y] of a curve C, p satisfies |x-p|^(-1)+|y-p|^(-1)=c for some constant c. The foci of an ellipse are equichordal points.
Two metrics g_1 and g_2 defined on a space X are called equivalent if they induce the same metric topology on X. This is the case iff, for every point x_0 of X, every ball ...
