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The constants C_n defined by C_n=[int_0^infty|d/(dt)((sint)/t)^n|dt]-1. (1) These constants can also be written as the sums C_n=2sum_(k=1)^infty(1+x_k^2)^(-n/2), (2) and ...
An amazing pandigital approximation to e that is correct to 18457734525360901453873570 decimal digits is given by (1+9^(-4^(7·6)))^(3^(2^(85))), (1) found by R. Sabey in 2004 ...
A k-coloring of a graph G is a vertex coloring that is an assignment of one of k possible colors to each vertex of G (i.e., a vertex coloring) such that no two adjacent ...
A q-analog of the gamma function defined by Gamma_q(x)=((q;q)_infty)/((q^x;q)_infty)(1-q)^(1-x), (1) where (x,q)_infty is a q-Pochhammer symbol (Koepf 1998, p. 26; Koekoek ...
Define the nome by q=e^(-piK^'(k)/K(k))=e^(ipitau), (1) where K(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind with modulus k, K^'(k)=K(sqrt(1-k^2)) is the ...
The objective of global optimization is to find the globally best solution of (possibly nonlinear) models, in the (possible or known) presence of multiple local optima. ...
The Smarandache function mu(n) is the function first considered by Lucas (1883), Neuberg (1887), and Kempner (1918) and subsequently rediscovered by Smarandache (1980) that ...
Apéry's numbers are defined by A_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)^2(n+k; k)^2 (1) = sum_(k=0)^(n)([(n+k)!]^2)/((k!)^4[(n-k)!]^2) (2) = _4F_3(-n,-n,n+1,n+1;1,1,1;1), (3) where (n; k) ...
Bertrand's postulate, also called the Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem or Chebyshev's theorem, states that if n>3, there is always at least one prime p between n and 2n-2. ...
The conjugate gradient method is not suitable for nonsymmetric systems because the residual vectors cannot be made orthogonal with short recurrences, as proved in Voevodin ...
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