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The term "pathological" is used in mathematics to refer to an example specifically cooked up to violate certain almost universally valid properties. Pathological problems ...
The Siegel theta function is a Gamma_n-invariant meromorphic function on the space of all p×p symmetric complex matrices Z=X+iY with positive definite imaginary part. It is ...
For omega a differential (k-1)-form with compact support on an oriented k-dimensional manifold with boundary M, int_Mdomega=int_(partialM)omega, (1) where domega is the ...
The Gauss-Bonnet formula has several formulations. The simplest one expresses the total Gaussian curvature of an embedded triangle in terms of the total geodesic curvature of ...
Several prizes are awarded periodically for outstanding mathematical achievement. There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics, and the most prestigious mathematical award is known ...
There are many unsolved problems in mathematics. Several famous problems which have recently been solved include: 1. The Pólya conjecture (disproven by Haselgrove 1958, ...
A unit circle is a circle of unit radius, i.e., of radius 1. The unit circle plays a significant role in a number of different areas of mathematics. For example, the ...
A set of real numbers x_1, ..., x_n is said to possess an integer relation if there exist integers a_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, with not all a_i=0. For ...
Every planar graph (i.e., graph with graph genus 0) has an embedding on a torus. In contrast, toroidal graphs are embeddable on the torus, but not in the plane, i.e., they ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
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