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Perhaps the most commonly-studied oriented point lattice is the so-called north-east lattice which orients each edge of L in the direction of increasing coordinate-value. ...
The line segment KO^_ joining the symmedian point K and circumcenter O of a given triangle. It is the diameter of the triangle's Brocard circle, and lies along the Brocard ...
A circumconic hyperbola, which therefore passes through the orthocenter, is a rectangular hyperbola, and has center on the nine-point circle. Its circumconic parameters are ...
Consider a second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+P(x)y^'+Q(x)y=0. If P(x) and Q(x) remain finite at x=x_0, then x_0 is called an ordinary point. If either P(x) ...
A pivotal isotomic cubic is a self-isotomic cubic that possesses a pivot point, i.e., in which points P lying on the conic and their isotomic conjugates are collinear with a ...
If P is a point on the circumcircle of a reference triangle, then the line PP^(-1), where P^(-1) is the isogonal conjugate of P, is called the antipedal line of P. It is a ...
The pedal curve of an astroid x = acos^3t (1) y = asin^3t (2) with pedal point at the center is the quadrifolium x_p = acostsin^2t (3) y_p = acos^2tsint. (4)
Suppose P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w are points, neither lying on a sideline of DeltaABC. Then the cevapoint of P and U is the point (pv+qu)(pw+ru):(qw+rv)(qu+pv) :(ru+pw)(rv+qw).
The pedal curve of circle involute f = cost+tsint (1) g = sint-tcost (2) with the center as the pedal point is the Archimedes' spiral x = tsint (3) y = -tcost. (4)
The radial curve of a unit circle from a radial point (x,y) and parametric equations x = cost (1) y = sint (2) is another circle with parametric equations x_r = x-cost (3) ...
