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An algebra <L; ^ , v > is called a lattice if L is a nonempty set, ^ and v are binary operations on L, both ^ and v are idempotent, commutative, and associative, and they ...
The Fermat axis is the central line connecting the first and second Fermat points. It has line function l=a(b^2-c^2)(a^2-b^2-bc-c^2)(a^2-b^2+bc-c^2), corresponding to ...
The inconic having inconic parameters x:y:z=a/(b+c-a):b/(a+c-b):c/(a+b-c). Its center is the mittenpunkt M of the triangle and its Brianchon point is the Nagel point Na. The ...
Two triangles DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' are said to be perspective, or sometimes homologic, from a line if the extensions of their three pairs of corresponding sides meet ...
Let points A^', B^', and C^' be marked off some fixed distance x along each of the sides BC, CA, and AB. Then the lines AA^', BB^', and CC^' concur in a point U known as the ...
The circumcircle is a triangle's circumscribed circle, i.e., the unique circle that passes through each of the triangle's three vertices. The center O of the circumcircle is ...
One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. Let X be a single point space. H_n(X)=0 unless n=0, in which case H_0(X)=G where G are some groups. The H_0 are called the coefficients ...
The first Brocard point is the interior point Omega (also denoted tau_1 or Z_1) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
Let sigma_1, ..., sigma_4 be four planes in general position through a point P and let P_(ij) be a point on the line sigma_i·sigma_j. Let sigma_(ijk) denote the plane ...
There are a number of point processes which are called Hawkes processes and while many of these notions are similar, some are rather different. There are also different ...
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