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A Julia set J consisting of a set of isolated points which is formed by taking a point outside an underlying set M (e.g., the Mandelbrot set). If the point is outside but ...
A basepoint is the beginning and ending point of a loop. The fundamental group of a topological space is always with respect to a particular choice of basepoint.
Given a point lattice, a cluster is a group of filled cells which are all connected to their neighbors vertically or horizontally.
The four planes determined by the four altitudes of a tetrahedron and the orthocenters of the corresponding faces pass through the Monge point of the tetrahedron.
Given a marked point process Phi of the form Phi=(T,Y)=((T_n)_(n>=1),(Y_n)_(n>=1)), the space Y=(Y_n)_(n>=1) is said to be the mark space of Phi.
In a topological space X, an open neighborhood of a point x is an open set containing x. A set containing an open neighborhood is simply called a neighborhood.
The trivial loop is the loop that takes every point to its basepoint. Formally, if X is a topological space and x in X, the trivial loop based at x is the map L:[0,1]->X ...
The tangential triangle is the triangle DeltaT_AT_BT_C formed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a given triangle DeltaABC at its vertices. It is therefore antipedal ...
Let A_1, B_2, C_1, A_2, and B_1 be five points determining a conic. Then the conic is the locus of the point C_2=A_1(L·C_1A_2)·B_1(L·C_1B_2), where L is a line through the ...
Let p be a non-wandering point of a diffeomorphism S:M->M of a compact manifold. The closing lemma concerns if S can be arbitrarily well approximated with derivatives of ...
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