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The Goddard-Henning graph, illustrated above in several embeddings, is the 9-node planar graph of graph diameter 2 having domination number gamma=3. It was first constructed ...
The center of a graph G is the set of vertices of graph eccentricity equal to the graph radius (i.e., the set of central points). In the above illustration, center nodes are ...
The graph diameter of a graph is the length max_(u,v)d(u,v) of the "longest shortest path" (i.e., the longest graph geodesic) between any two graph vertices (u,v), where ...
A partition {a_1,...,a_n} is called graphical if there exists a graph G having degree sequence {a_1,...,a_n}. The number of graphical partitions of length n is equal to the ...
An algorithm used to recursively construct a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts. Given a set of k integers (a_1, a_2, ..., a_k) with a_1<a_2<...<a_k, ...
A group G is said to act on a set X when there is a map phi:G×X->X such that the following conditions hold for all elements x in X. 1. phi(e,x)=x where e is the identity ...
The Hénon-Heiles equation is a nonlinear nonintegrable Hamiltonian system with x^.. = -(partialV)/(partialx) (1) y^.. = -(partialV)/(partialy), (2) where the potential energy ...
There are a number of formulas variously known as Hurwitz's formula. The first is zeta(1-s,a)=(Gamma(s))/((2pi)^s)[e^(-piis/2)F(a,s)+e^(piis/2)F(-a,s)], where zeta(z,a) is a ...
Given a circle C with center O and radius k, then two points P and Q are inverse with respect to C if OP·OQ=k^2. If P describes a curve C_1, then Q describes a curve C_2 ...
An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. In the figure above, the two equal sides have length b and the remaining side has length a. This property ...
