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If A, B, and C are three points on one line, D, E, and F are three points on another line, and AE meets BD at X, AF meets CD at Y, and BF meets CE at Z, then the three points ...
The pentagonal hexecontahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the snub dodecahedron A_8 (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_(18). A tetrahedron 10-compound, cube ...
A tree having four branches at each node. Quadtrees are used in the construction of some multidimensional databases (e.g., cartography, computer graphics, and image ...
The Seidel-Entringer-Arnold triangle is the number triangle consisting of the Entringer numbers E_(n,k) arranged in "ox-plowing" order, ...
The 27 real or imaginary lines which lie on the general cubic surface and the 45 triple tangent planes to the surface. All are related to the 28 bitangents of the general ...
The tetrix is the three-dimensional analog of the Sierpiński sieve illustrated above, also called the Sierpiński sponge or Sierpiński tetrahedron. The nth iteration of the ...
Multiple series generalizations of basic hypergeometric series over the unitary groups U(n+1). The fundamental theorem of U(n) series takes c_1, ..., c_n and x_1, ..., x_n as ...
The Johnson circumconic, a term used here for the first time, is the circumconic that passes through the vertices of both the reference triangle and the Johnson triangle. It ...
C. Kimberling has extensively tabulated and enumerated the properties of triangle centers (Kimberling 1994, 1998, and online), denoting the nth center in his numbering scheme ...
An isolated singularity is a singularity for which there exists a (small) real number epsilon such that there are no other singularities within a neighborhood of radius ...
