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If A moves along a known curve, then P describes a pursuit curve if P is always directed toward A and A and P move with uniform velocities. Pursuit curves were considered in ...
A random-connection model (RCM) is a graph-theoretic model of continuum percolation theory characterized by the existence of a stationary point process X and a non-increasing ...
Regge calculus is a finite element method utilized in numerical relativity in attempts of describing spacetimes with few or no symmetries by way of producing numerical ...
Given a polynomial p(x)=a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0 (1) of degree n with roots alpha_i, i=1, ..., n and a polynomial q(x)=b_mx^m+b_(m-1)x^(m-1)+...+b_1x+b_0 (2) of ...
The rhombic dodecahedral graph is the Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the rhombic dodecahedron (as well as the Bilinski dodecahedron). It is the Levi graph of ...
A Riemann surface is a surface-like configuration that covers the complex plane with several, and in general infinitely many, "sheets." These sheets can have very complicated ...
How can n points be distributed on a unit sphere such that they maximize the minimum distance between any pair of points? This maximum distance is called the covering radius, ...
There are (at least) three different types of points known as Steiner points. The point S of concurrence of the three lines drawn through the vertices of a triangle parallel ...
Synthetic division is a shortcut method for dividing two polynomials which can be used in place of the standard long division algorithm. This method reduces the dividend and ...
A tiling of regular polygons (in two dimensions), polyhedra (three dimensions), or polytopes (n dimensions) is called a tessellation. Tessellations can be specified using a ...
