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Two circles may intersect in two imaginary points, a single degenerate point, or two distinct points. The intersections of two circles determine a line known as the radical ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
The clique polynomial C_G(x) for the graph G is defined as the polynomial C_G(x)=1+sum_(k=1)^(omega(G))c_kx^k, (1) where omega(G) is the clique number of G, the coefficient ...
The nesting of two or more functions to form a single new function is known as composition. The composition of two functions f and g is denoted f degreesg, where f is a ...
Continuum percolation can be thought of as a continuous, uncountable version of percolation theory-a theory which, in its most studied form, takes place on a discrete, ...
The word "convergent" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. Most commonly, it is an adjective used to describe a convergent sequence or convergent series, where ...
The cuboctahedral graph is an Archimedean quartic symmetric graph on 12 nodes and 24 edges that is the skeleton of the cuboctahedron, as well as the uniform ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a cycle polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of cycles of ...
Let the divisor function d(n) be the number of divisors of n (including n itself). For a prime p, d(p)=2. In general, sum_(k=1)^nd(k)=nlnn+(2gamma-1)n+O(n^theta), where gamma ...
Given a sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^infty, a formal power series f(s) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)(a_n)/(n^s) (1) = a_1+(a_2)/(2^s)+(a_3)/(3^s)+... (2) is called the Dirichlet generating ...
