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A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
There are several equivalent definitions of a closed set. Let S be a subset of a metric space. A set S is closed if 1. The complement of S is an open set, 2. S is its own set ...
Ellipses sharing common foci (left figure). The family of confocal ellipses covers the plane simply, in the sense that there is a unique ellipse passing through each point in ...
Hyperbolas sharing common foci (left figure). The family of confocal hyperbolas covers the plane simply, in the sense that there is a unique hyperbola passing through each ...
Let X be a set and S a collection of subsets of X. A set function mu:S->[0,infty] is said to possess countable monotonicity provided that, whenever a set E in S is covered by ...
Given a set X, let F be a nonempty set of subsets of X. Then F is a ring if, for every pair of sets in F, the intersection, union, and set difference is also in F. F is ...
Two figures are said to be similar when all corresponding angles are equal, and are directly similar when all corresponding angles are equal and described in the same ...
A module over a unit ring R is called divisible if, for all r in R which are not zero divisors, every element m of M can be "divided" by r, in the sense that there is an ...
A fact noticed by physicist G. Gamow when he had an office on the second floor and physicist M. Stern had an office on the sixth floor of a seven-story building (Gamow and ...
The v coordinates are the asymptotic angle of confocal hyperbolic cylinders symmetrical about the x-axis. The u coordinates are confocal elliptic cylinders centered on the ...
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