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Let G be an undirected graph, and let i denote the cardinal number of the set of externally active edges of a spanning tree T of G, j denote the cardinal number of the set of ...
The Wiener index W, denoted w (Wiener 1947) and also known as the "path number" or Wiener number (Plavšić et al. 1993), is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by ...
The Wiener sum index WS is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by WS=1/2sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^n((d)_(ij))/((Omega)_(ij)), where (d)_(ij) is the graph distance matrix ...
A clique of a graph G is a complete subgraph of G, and the clique of largest possible size is referred to as a maximum clique (which has size known as the (upper) clique ...
A biconnected graph is a connected graph having no articulation vertices (Skiena 1990, p. 175). An equivalent definition for graphs on more than two vertices is a graph G ...
Bonato et al. (2014, 2015) defined the burning number of a simple graph as follows. Consider a process called burning involving are discrete time steps. Each node is either ...
Let P(G) denote the chromatic polynomial of a finite simple graph G. Then G is said to be chromatically unique if P(G)=P(H) implies that G and H are isomorphic graphs, in ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
In general, the word "complement" refers to that subset F^' of some set S which excludes a given subset F. Taking F and its complement F^' together then gives the whole of ...
