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The Wythoff array is an interspersion array that can be constructed by beginning with the Fibonacci numbers {F_2,F_3,F_4,F_5,...} in the first row and then building up ...
A method of constructing uniform polyhedra.
A symbol consisting of three rational numbers that can be used to describe uniform polyhedra based on how a point C in a spherical triangle can be selected so as to trace the ...
A game played with two heaps of counters in which a player may take any number from either heap or the same number from both. The player taking the last counter wins. The rth ...
The connective in logic corresponding to the exclusive nor operation. A XNOR B is equivalent to (A ^ B) v (!A ^ !B), where ^ denotes AND, v denotes OR, and !A denotes NOT. ...
A connective in logic known as the "exclusive or," or exclusive disjunction. It yields true if exactly one (but not both) of two conditions is true. The XOR operation does ...
The xi-function is the function xi(z) = 1/2z(z-1)(Gamma(1/2z))/(pi^(z/2))zeta(z) (1) = ((z-1)Gamma(1/2z+1)zeta(z))/(sqrt(pi^z)), (2) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta ...
An Asian version of chess, sometimes also called Chinese Chess, that is currently played extensively in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and Hong Kong. The ...
The connective in logic corresponding to the exclusive nor operation. A XNOR B is equivalent to (A ^ B) v (!A ^ !B), where ^ denotes AND, v denotes OR, and !A denotes NOT. ...
"The" Y-graph is another term used to refer to a claw graph. The term "Y-graph" is also used to refer to a graph expansion with the Y graph as its base (e.g., Horton and ...
