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The toroidal crossing number cr_(1)(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings with which G can be drawn on a torus. A planar graph has toroidal crossing number 0, ...
A divergenceless field can be partitioned into a toroidal and a poloidal part. This separation is important in geo- and heliophysics, and in particular in dynamo theory and ...
Toroidal functions are a class of functions also called ring functions that appear in systems having toroidal symmetry. Toroidal functions can be expressed in terms of the ...
Every planar graph (i.e., graph with graph genus 0) has an embedding on a torus. In contrast, toroidal graphs are embeddable on the torus, but not in the plane, i.e., they ...
A toroidal polyhedron is a polyhedron with genus g>=1 (i.e., one having one or more holes). Examples of toroidal polyhedra include the Császár polyhedron and Szilassi ...
The function defined by (1) (Heatley 1943; Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 509), where _1F_1(a;b;z) is a confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind and Gamma(z) is ...
The torsion of a space curve, sometimes also called the "second curvature" (Kreyszig 1991, p. 47), is the rate of change of the curve's osculating plane. The torsion tau is ...
One of a set of numbers defined in terms of an invariant generated by the finite cyclic covering spaces of a knot complement. The torsion numbers for knots up to 9 crossings ...
The tensor defined by T^l_(jk)=-(Gamma^l_(jk)-Gamma^l_(kj)), where Gamma^l_(jk) are Christoffel symbols of the first kind.
The angular twist theta of a shaft with given cross section is given by theta=(TL)/(KG) (1) (Roark 1954, p. 174), where T is the twisting moment (commonly measured in units ...
