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This is proven in Rademacher and Toeplitz (1957).
A group in which the elements are square matrices, the group multiplication law is matrix multiplication, and the group inverse is simply the matrix inverse. Every matrix ...
The mixtilinear circle is the circumcircle of the mixtilinear triangle, i.e., the triangle formed by the centers of the mixtilinear incircles. Neither its center not circle ...
Let q be a positive integer, then Gamma_0(q) is defined as the set of all matrices [a b; c d] in the modular group Gamma Gamma with c=0 (mod q). Gamma_0(q) is a subgroup of ...
The geometry of the Lie group consisting of real matrices of the form [1 x y; 0 1 z; 0 0 1], i.e., the Heisenberg group.
A group or other algebraic object is called non-Abelian if the law of commutativity does not always hold, i.e., if the object is not Abelian. For example, the group of ...
A noncommutative ring R is a ring in which the law of multiplicative commutativity is not satisfied, i.e., a·b!=b·a for any two elements a,b in R. In such a case, the ...
Let K be a number field of extension degree d over Q. Then an order O of K is a subring of the ring of integers of K with d generators over Z, including 1. The ring of ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then an element u in A is called a partial isometry if uu^*u=u.
Every Lie algebra L is isomorphic to a subalgebra of some Lie algebra A^-, where the associative algebra A may be taken to be the linear operators over a vector space V.