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The Woodbury formula (A+UV^(T))^(-1)=A^(-1)-[A^(-1)U(I+V^(T)A^(-1)U)^(-1)V^(T)A^(-1)] is a formula that allows a perturbed matrix to be computed for a change to a given ...
A (-1,0,1)-matrix is a matrix whose elements consist only of the numbers -1, 0, or 1. The number of distinct (-1,0,1)-n×n matrices (counting row and column permutations, the ...
A completely positive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that can be factorized as A=BB^(T), where B^(T) stands for the transpose of B and B is any (not ...
A method of computing the determinant of a square matrix due to Charles Dodgson (1866) (who is more famous under his pseudonym Lewis Carroll). The method is useful for hand ...
An n×n-matrix A is said to be diagonalizable if it can be written on the form A=PDP^(-1), where D is a diagonal n×n matrix with the eigenvalues of A as its entries and P is a ...
Let lambda be (possibly complex) eigenvalues of a set of random n×n real matrices with entries independent and taken from a standard normal distribution. Then as n->infty, ...
Given a square n×n nonsingular integer matrix A, there exists an n×n unimodular matrix U and an n×n matrix H (known as the Hermite normal form of A) such that AU=H. ...
The Jordan matrix decomposition is the decomposition of a square matrix M into the form M=SJS^(-1), (1) where M and J are similar matrices, J is a matrix of Jordan canonical ...
The trace of an n×n square matrix A is defined to be Tr(A)=sum_(i=1)^na_(ii), (1) i.e., the sum of the diagonal elements. The matrix trace is implemented in the Wolfram ...
If a matrix A has a matrix of eigenvectors P that is not invertible (for example, the matrix [1 1; 0 1] has the noninvertible system of eigenvectors [1 0; 0 0]), then A does ...
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