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Two trains are on the same track a distance 100 km apart heading towards one another, each at a speed of 50 km/h. A fly starting out at the front of one train, flies towards ...
The unknot, also called the trivial knot (Rolfsen 1976, p. 51), is a closed loop that is not knotted. In the 1930s Reidemeister first proved that knots exist which are ...
The Wagner graph is a name sometimes given to the 4-Möbius ladder (Bondy and Murty 2008, pp. 275-276). The association arises through the theorem of Wagner (1937) that graphs ...
A Wagstaff prime is a prime number of the form (2^p+1)/3 for p a prime number. The first few are given by p=3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 31, 43, 61, 79, 101, 127, 167, 191, ...
The wallpaper groups are the 17 possible plane symmetry groups. They are commonly represented using Hermann-Mauguin-like symbols or in orbifold notation (Zwillinger 1995, p. ...
Although Bessel functions of the second kind are sometimes called Weber functions, Abramowitz and Stegun (1972) define a separate Weber function as ...
The Young tableau (plural, "tableaux") of a Ferrers diagram is obtained by placing the numbers 1, ..., n in the n boxes of the diagram. A "standard" Young tableau is a Young ...
There are a number of graphs associated with T. I. (and C. T.) Zamfirescu. The Zamfirescu graphs on 36 and 75 vertices, the former of which is a snark, appear in Zamfirescu ...
An algorithm which finds a polynomial recurrence for terminating hypergeometric identities of the form sum_(k)(n; ...
Smarandache sequences are any of a number of simply generated integer sequences resembling those considered in published works by Smarandache such as the consecutive number ...
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