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821 - 830 of 1392 for linear programmingSearch Results
Given a Seifert form f(x,y), choose a basis e_1, ..., e_(2g) for H_1(M^^) as a Z-module so every element is uniquely expressible as n_1e_1+...+n_(2g)e_(2g) (1) with n_i ...
The Sherman-Morrison formula is a formula that allows a perturbed matrix to be computed for a change to a given matrix A. If the change can be written in the form u tensor v ...
Let A be an n×n matrix over a field F. Using the three elementary row and column operations over elements in the field, the n×n matrix xI-A with entries from the principal ...
Let A be an n×n matrix with complex or real elements with eigenvalues lambda_1, ..., lambda_n. Then the spectral radius rho(A) of A is rho(A)=max_(1<=i<=n)|lambda_i|, i.e., ...
A matrix for which horizontal and vertical dimensions are the same (i.e., an n×n matrix). A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is square in Wolfram Language using ...
The square root method is an algorithm which solves the matrix equation Au=g (1) for u, with A a p×p symmetric matrix and g a given vector. Convert A to a triangular matrix ...
A determinant used to determine in which coordinate systems the Helmholtz differential equation is separable (Morse and Feshbach 1953). A determinant S=|Phi_(mn)|=|Phi_(11) ...
Any square matrix A can be written as a sum A=A_S+A_A, (1) where A_S=1/2(A+A^(T)) (2) is a symmetric matrix known as the symmetric part of A and A_A=1/2(A-A^(T)) (3) is an ...
Given 2n-1 numbers a_k, where k=-n+1, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., n-1, a Toeplitz matrix is a matrix which has constant values along negative-sloping diagonals, i.e., a matrix of the ...
A square matrix is said to be totally positive if the determinant of any square submatrix, including the minors, is positive. For instance, any 2×2 matrix whose determinant ...
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