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A projective space is a space that is invariant under the group G of all general linear homogeneous transformation in the space concerned, but not under all the ...
Let ad=bc, then (1) This can also be expressed by defining (2) (3) Then F_(2m)(a,b,c,d)=a^(2m)f_(2m)(x,y), (4) and identity (1) can then be written ...
Let X be a normed space and X^(**)=(X^*)^* denote the second dual vector space of X. The canonical map x|->x^^ defined by x^^(f)=f(x),f in X^* gives an isometric linear ...
The S distribution is defined in terms of its distribution function F(x) as the solution to the initial value problem (dF)/(dx)=alpha(F^g-F^h), where F(x_0)=F_0 (Savageau ...
A root-finding algorithm which assumes a function to be approximately linear in the region of interest. Each improvement is taken as the point where the approximating line ...
The negative derivative S(v)=-D_(v)N (1) of the unit normal N vector field of a surface is called the shape operator (or Weingarten map or second fundamental tensor). The ...
Let Omega be a bounded open set in R^d whose boundary partialOmega is at least C^1 smooth and let T:C_c^1(Omega^_)->L^p(partialOmega) (1) be a linear operator defined by ...
Adams' method is a numerical method for solving linear first-order ordinary differential equations of the form (dy)/(dx)=f(x,y). (1) Let h=x_(n+1)-x_n (2) be the step ...
The Bessel differential equation is the linear second-order ordinary differential equation given by x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)+(x^2-n^2)y=0. (1) Equivalently, dividing ...
Given a system of ordinary differential equations of the form d/(dt)[x; y; v_x; v_y]=-[0 0 -1 0; 0 0 0 -1; Phi_(xx)(t) Phi_(yx)(t) 0 0; Phi_(xy)(t) Phi_(yy)(t) 0 0][x; y; ...
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