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1251 - 1260 of 1392 for linear programmingSearch Results
A recursive sequence {f(n)}_n, also known as a recurrence sequence, is a sequence of numbers f(n) indexed by an integer n and generated by solving a recurrence equation. The ...
Two nonisomorphic graphs that have equal resistance spectra (i.e., multisets of resistance distances) are said to be resistance-equivalent. All nonisomorphic simple graphs on ...
A formula which transforms a given coordinate system by rotating it through a counterclockwise angle Phi about an axis n^^. Referring to the above figure (Goldstein 1980), ...
In the most commonly used convention (e.g., Apostol 1967, pp. 205-207), the second fundamental theorem of calculus, also termed "the fundamental theorem, part II" (e.g., ...
A sequential substitution system is a substitution system in which a string is scanned from left to right for the first occurrence of the first rule pattern. If the pattern ...
Serre's problem, also called Serre's conjecture, asserts that the implication "free module ==> projective module" can be reversed for every module over the polynomial ring ...
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient, also known as Spearman's rho, is a nonparametric (distribution-free) rank statistic proposed by Spearman in 1904 as a measure of ...
A two-dimensional map also called the Taylor-Greene-Chirikov map in some of the older literature and defined by I_(n+1) = I_n+Ksintheta_n (1) theta_(n+1) = theta_n+I_(n+1) ...
The transformation S[{a_n}_(n=0)^N] of a sequence {a_n}_(n=0)^N into a sequence {b_n}_(n=0)^N by the formula b_n=sum_(k=0)^NS(n,k)a_k, (1) where S(n,k) is a Stirling number ...
A technical mathematical object defined in terms of a polynomial ring of n variables over a field k. Syzygies occur in tensors at rank 5, 7, 8, and all higher ranks, and play ...
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