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The braced square problem asks, given a hinged square composed of four equal rods (indicated by the red lines above), how many more hinged rods must be added in the same ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
The Clebsch graph, also known as the Greenwood-Gleason graph (Read and Wilson, 1998, p. 284) and illustrated above in a number of embeddings, is a strongly regular quintic ...
The cubitruncated cuboctahedral graph is the skeleton of the cubitruncated cuboctahedron, which is the only uniform polyhedron for which this is the case. It is illustrated ...
The cuboctahedron, also called the heptaparallelohedron or dymaxion (the latter according to Buckminster Fuller; Rawles 1997), is the Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{4}. ...
A polynomial given by Phi_n(x)=product_(k=1)^n^'(x-zeta_k), (1) where zeta_k are the roots of unity in C given by zeta_k=e^(2piik/n) (2) and k runs over integers relatively ...
The Danzer graph is the Levi graph of the Danzer configuration (Boben et al. 2015). It has 70 vertices and 140 edges and is quartic, bipartite, self-dual, and unit-distance. ...
The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base-10 (i.e., in the decimal system). In this system, each "decimal place" consists of a digit 0-9 arranged such ...
The derivative of a function represents an infinitesimal change in the function with respect to one of its variables. The "simple" derivative of a function f with respect to ...
The Desargues graph is the cubic symmetric graph on 20 vertices and 30 edges illustrated above in several embeddings. It is isomorphic to the generalized Petersen graph ...
