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Let E be a Euclidean space, (beta,alpha) be the dot product, and denote the reflection in the hyperplane P_alpha={beta in E|(beta,alpha)=0} by ...
A sample is a subset of a population that is obtained through some process, possibly random selection or selection based on a certain set of criteria, for the purposes of ...
A pathwise-connected domain is said to be simply connected (also called 1-connected) if any simple closed curve can be shrunk to a point continuously in the set. If the ...
For d>=1, Omega an open subset of R^d, p in [1;+infty] and s in N, the Sobolev space W^(s,p)(R^d) is defined by W^(s,p)(Omega)={f in L^p(Omega): forall ...
Let G be a permutation group on a set Omega and x be an element of Omega. Then G_x={g in G:g(x)=x} (1) is called the stabilizer of x and consists of all the permutations of G ...
A subset of an algebraic variety which is itself a variety. Every variety is a subvariety of itself; other subvarieties are called proper subvarieties. A sphere of the ...
Given a complex measure mu, there exists a positive measure denoted |mu| which measures the total variation of mu, also sometimes called simply "total variation." In ...
The term two-sided ideal is used in noncommutative rings to denote a subset that is both a right ideal and a left ideal. In commutative rings, where right and left are ...
Combinatorics is the branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations that characterize their ...
Let R be a ring, and let I and J be ideals of R with I subset= J. Then J/I is an ideal of R/I and (R/I)/(J/I)=R/J.
