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Let the stick number s(K) of a knot K be the least number of straight sticks needed to make a knot K. The smallest stick number of any knot is s(T)=6, where T is the trefoil ...
The theorem, originally conjectured by Berge (1960, 1961), that a graph is perfect iff neither the graph nor its graph complement contains an odd graph cycle of length at ...
The tangent plane to a surface at a point p is the tangent space at p (after translating to the origin). The elements of the tangent space are called tangent vectors, and ...
The word "surface" is an important term in mathematics and is used in many ways. The most common and straightforward use of the word is to denote a two-dimensional ...
Surface area is the area of a given surface. Roughly speaking, it is the "amount" of a surface (i.e., it is proportional to the amount of paint needed to cover it), and has ...
A symmetric polynomial on n variables x_1, ..., x_n (also called a totally symmetric polynomial) is a function that is unchanged by any permutation of its variables. In other ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
The tangential triangle is the triangle DeltaT_AT_BT_C formed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a given triangle DeltaABC at its vertices. It is therefore antipedal ...
The problem of finding the curve down which a bead placed anywhere will fall to the bottom in the same amount of time. The solution is a cycloid, a fact first discovered and ...
The total number of contravariant and covariant indices of a tensor. The rank R of a tensor is independent of the number of dimensions N of the underlying space. An intuitive ...
