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The Schrödinger equation describes the motion of particles in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and was first written down by Erwin Schrödinger. The time-dependent ...
Let psi_1(x) and psi_2(x) be any two real integrable functions in [a,b], then Schwarz's inequality is given by |<psi_1|psi_2>|^2<=<psi_1|psi_1><psi_2|psi_2>. (1) Written out ...
The second Brocard point is the interior point Omega^' (also denoted tau_2 or Z_2) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be of second category in S if E cannot be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense in S, i.e., if ...
Every smooth nonzero vector field on the 3-sphere has at least one closed orbit. The conjecture was proposed in 1950 and proved true for Hopf maps. The conjecture was ...
The Sierpiński carpet is the fractal illustrated above which may be constructed analogously to the Sierpiński sieve, but using squares instead of triangles. It can be ...
In the IEEE 754-2008 standard (referred to as IEEE 754 henceforth), a signaling NaN or sNaN is a NaN which is signaling in the sense of being most commonly returned in ...
Simpson's rule is a Newton-Cotes formula for approximating the integral of a function f using quadratic polynomials (i.e., parabolic arcs instead of the straight line ...
A singular point of an algebraic curve is a point where the curve has "nasty" behavior such as a cusp or a point of self-intersection (when the underlying field K is taken as ...
There are two types of singular values, one in the context of elliptic integrals, and the other in linear algebra. For a square matrix A, the square roots of the eigenvalues ...
