Every smooth nonzero vector field on the 3-sphere has at least one closed orbit.
The conjecture was proposed in 1950 and proved true for Hopf
maps. The conjecture was subsequently demonstrated to be false over (Schweitzer 1974), over
(Harrison 1988), and finally false in general (Kuperberg
Seifert Conjecture
See also
Sphere, Vector FieldExplore with Wolfram|Alpha
Cipra, B. "Collaboration Closes in on Closed Geodesics." What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1. Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc., pp. 27-30, 1993.Kuperberg, K. "A Smooth Counterexample to the Seifert Conjecture." Ann. Math. 140, 723-732, 1994.Kuperberg, G. "A Volume-Preserving Counterexample to the Seifert Conjecture." Comment. Math. Helv. 71, 70-97, 1996a.Kuperberg, G. and Kuperberg, K. "Generalized Counterexamples to the Seifert Conjecture." Ann. Math. 143, 547-576, 1996b.Kuperberg, G. and Kuperberg, K. "Generalized Counterexamples to the Seifert Conjecture." Ann. Math. 144, 239-268, 1996c.Harrison, J. "Cite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "Seifert Conjecture." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SeifertConjecture.html