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A path gamma is a continuous mapping gamma:[a,b]|->C^0, where gamma(a) is the initial point, gamma(b) is the final point, and C^0 denotes the space of continuous functions. ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a path polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of paths of ...
According to G. Pólya, the method of finding geometric objects by intersection. 1. For example, the centers of all circles tangent to a straight line s at a given point P lie ...
The Peano-Gosper curve is a plane-filling function originally called a "flowsnake" by R. W. Gosper and M. Gardner. Mandelbrot (1977) subsequently coined the name Peano-Gosper ...
The pedal circle with respect to a pedal point P of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 is the circumcircle of the pedal triangle DeltaP_1P_2P_3 with respect to P. Amazingly, the ...
The pentagonal dipyramid is one of the convex deltahedra, and Johnson solid J_(13). It is also the dual polyhedron of the pentagonal prism U_(76) and is an isohedron. It is ...
The pentagonal wegde is one of the seven topologically distinct convex hexahedra. Like the cube, it contains 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 faces, but its faces consist of 2 ...
The pentakis dodecahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the truncated icosahedron A_(11) (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_9. It can be constructed by ...
The pentanacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by P_0=0, P_1=1, P_2=1, P_3=2, P_4=4, and the recurrence relation ...
The graph complement of a perfect graph is itself perfect. Originally known as the weak perfect graph conjecture (Fulkerson 1971), the result was subsequently proved by ...
