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Kummer's first formula is (1) where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is the hypergeometric function with m!=-1/2, -1, -3/2, ..., and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. The identity can be written ...
The l^2-norm (also written "l^2-norm") |x| is a vector norm defined for a complex vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] (1) by |x|=sqrt(sum_(k=1)^n|x_k|^2), (2) where |x_k| on the ...
Let (q_1,...,q_n,p_1,...,p_n) be any functions of two variables (u,v). Then the expression ...
A formal logic developed by Alonzo Church and Stephen Kleene to address the computable number problem. In the lambda calculus, lambda is defined as the abstraction operator. ...
Writing a Fourier series as f(theta)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^(m-1)sinc((npi)/(2m))[a_ncos(ntheta)+b_nsin(ntheta)], where m is the last term, reduces the Gibbs phenomenon. The ...
Let F be the set of complex analytic functions f defined on an open region containing the closure of the unit disk D={z:|z|<1} satisfying f(0)=0 and df/dz(0)=1. For each f in ...
The Laplace distribution, also called the double exponential distribution, is the distribution of differences between two independent variates with identical exponential ...
The spherical harmonics form a complete orthogonal system, so an arbitrary real function f(theta,phi) can be expanded in terms of complex spherical harmonics by ...
The Laplacian spectral radius of a finite graph is defined as the largest value of its Laplacian spectrum, i.e., the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix (Lin et al. ...
The Laplacian spectral ratio R_L(G) of a connected graph G is defined as the ratio of its Laplacian spectral radius to its algebraic connectivity. If a connected graph of ...
