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The next prime function NP(n) gives the smallest prime larger than n. The function can be given explicitly as NP(n)=p_(1+pi(n)), where p_i is the ith prime and pi(n) is the ...
Pickover's sequence gives the starting positions in the decimal expansion of pi (ignoring the leading 3) in which the first n digits of e occur (counting the leading 2). So, ...
Given a plane ax+by+cz+d=0 (1) and a point x_0=(x_0,y_0,z_0), the normal vector to the plane is given by v=[a; b; c], (2) and a vector from the plane to the point is given by ...
Given a straight segment of track of length l, add a small segment Deltal so that the track bows into a circular arc. Find the maximum displacement d of the bowed track. The ...
A conical surface modeled after the shape of a seashell. One parameterization (left figure) is given by x = 2[1-e^(u/(6pi))]cosucos^2(1/2v) (1) y = ...
Two square matrices A and B that are related by B=X^(-1)AX, (1) where X is a square nonsingular matrix are said to be similar. A transformation of the form X^(-1)AX is called ...
The square root method is an algorithm which solves the matrix equation Au=g (1) for u, with A a p×p symmetric matrix and g a given vector. Convert A to a triangular matrix ...
Consider the sample standard deviation s=sqrt(1/Nsum_(i=1)^N(x_i-x^_)^2) (1) for n samples taken from a population with a normal distribution. The distribution of s is then ...
A tetrahedral ring is a term given in this work to a set of n regular tetrahedra joined face-to-face sharing a common edge (with internal conjoined faces removed). These ...
An ungraceful graph is a simple graph that does not possess a graceful labeling, i.e., a graph that is not a graceful graph (Gardner 1972). Such graphs have also been termed ...
