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The improvement of the convergence properties of a series, also called convergence acceleration or accelerated convergence, such that a series reaches its limit to within ...
Gaussian curvature, sometimes also called total curvature (Kreyszig 1991, p. 131), is an intrinsic property of a space independent of the coordinate system used to describe ...
Let kappa_1 and kappa_2 be the principal curvatures, then their mean H=1/2(kappa_1+kappa_2) (1) is called the mean curvature. Let R_1 and R_2 be the radii corresponding to ...
In the mice problem, also called the beetle problem, n mice start at the corners of a regular n-gon of unit side length, each heading towards its closest neighboring mouse in ...
Mills (1947) proved the existence of a real constant A such that |_A^(3^n)_| (1) is prime for all integers n>=1, where |_x_| is the floor function. Mills (1947) did not, ...
Given an arrangement of points, a line containing just two of them is called an ordinary line. Dirac (1951) conjectured that every sufficiently set of n noncollinear points ...
Circumscribe a triangle about a circle, another circle around the triangle, a square outside the circle, another circle outside the square, and so on. The circumradius and ...
Pronic numbers are figurate numbers of the form P_n=2T_n=n(n+1), where T_n is the nth triangular number. The first few are 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, 72, 90, 110, ... (OEIS ...
In 1913, Ramanujan asked if the Diophantine equation of second order 2^n-7=x^2, sometimes called the Ramanujan-Nagell equation, has any solutions other than n=3, 4, 5, 7, and ...
A regular continued fraction is a simple continued fraction x = b_0+1/(b_1+1/(b_2+1/(b_3+...))) (1) = K_(k=1)^(infty)1/(b_k) (2) = [b_0;b_1,b_2,...], (3) where b_0 is an ...
