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van der Waerden's theorem is a theorem about the existence of arithmetic progressions in sets. The theorem can be stated in four equivalent forms. 1. If N=C_1 union C_2 union ...
The hundred-dollar, hundred-digits challenge problems are a set of ten problems in numerical analysis published in the January/February 2002 issue of SIAM News ...
A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G-v is Hamiltonian for every v in V (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). The Petersen graph, which has ten nodes, is the ...
As a consequence of Matiyasevich's refutation of Hilbert's 10th problem, it can be proved that there does not exist a general algorithm for solving a general quartic ...
One of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms, also known as the axiom of regularity (Rubin 1967, Suppes 1972). In the formal language of set theory, it states that x!=emptyset=> exists ...
When the index nu is real, the functions J_nu(z), J_nu^'(z), Y_nu(z), and Y_nu^'(z) each have an infinite number of real zeros, all of which are simple with the possible ...
Consider a Boolean algebra of subsets b(A) generated by a set A, which is the set of subsets of A that can be obtained by means of a finite number of the set operations ...
Place two solid spheres of radius 1/2 inside a hollow sphere of radius 1 so that the two smaller spheres touch each other at the center of the large sphere and are tangent to ...
The Cantor set T_infty, sometimes also called the Cantor comb or no middle third set (Cullen 1968, pp. 78-81), is given by taking the interval [0,1] (set T_0), removing the ...
A catacaustic is a curve that is the envelope of rays emanating from a specified point (or a point at infinite distance producing parallel rays) for a given mirror shape. The ...
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