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"Aggregate" is an archaic word for infinite sets such as those considered by Georg Cantor. The term is sometimes also used to refer to a finite or infinite set in which ...
A finite or infinite square matrix with rational entries. (If the matrix is infinite, all but a finite number of entries in each row must be 0.) The sum or product of two ...
Let t be an infinite word over a finite alphabet Sigma. Then there exists a uniformly recurrent infinite word r such that Sub(r) subset= Sub(t), where Sub(w) is the set of ...
The infinite product identity Gamma(1+v)=2^(2v)product_(m=1)^infty[pi^(-1/2)Gamma(1/2+2^(-m)v)], where Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
F_k[P_N(k)](x)=F_k[exp(-N|k|^beta)](x), where F is the Fourier transform of the probability P_N(k) for N-step addition of random variables. Lévy showed that beta in (0,2) for ...
For every infinite loop space machine E, there is a natural equivalence of spectra between EX and Segal's spectrum BX.
A nonregular number, also called an infinite decimal (Havil 2003, p. 25), is a positive number that has an infinite decimal expansion. In contrast, a number that has a finite ...
An isohedron is a convex polyhedron with symmetries acting transitively on its faces with respect to the center of gravity. Every isohedron has an even number of faces ...
A set is denumerable iff it is equipollent to the finite ordinal numbers. (Moore 1982, p. 6; Rubin 1967, p. 107; Suppes 1972, pp. 151-152). However, Ciesielski (1997, p. 64) ...
