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The circumcenter is the center O of a triangle's circumcircle. It can be found as the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors. The trilinear coordinates of the ...
A (finite, circular) conical surface is a ruled surface created by fixing one end of a line segment at a point (known as the vertex or apex of the cone) and sweeping the ...
The self-intersection of a one-sided surface. The word "cross-cap" is sometimes also written without the hyphen as the single word "crosscap." The cross-cap can be thought of ...
The term "cylinder" has a number of related meanings. In its most general usage, the word "cylinder" refers to a solid bounded by a closed generalized cylinder (a.k.a. ...
The divergence of a vector field F, denoted div(F) or del ·F (the notation used in this work), is defined by a limit of the surface integral del ·F=lim_(V->0)(∮_SF·da)/V (1) ...
A curve of constant width constructed by drawing arcs from each polygon vertex of an equilateral triangle between the other two vertices. The Reuleaux triangle has the ...
There are (at least) three different types of points known as Steiner points. The point S of concurrence of the three lines drawn through the vertices of a triangle parallel ...
Five or six Wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. In ...
A hyperbola (plural "hyperbolas"; Gray 1997, p. 45) is a conic section defined as the locus of all points P in the plane the difference of whose distances r_1=F_1P and ...
A sphere is defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional Euclidean space R^3 that are located at a distance r (the "radius") from a given point (the "center"). Twice ...
