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The covariant derivative of the Riemann tensor is given by (1) Permuting nu, kappa, and eta (Weinberg 1972, pp. 146-147) gives the Bianchi identities ...
In floating-point arithmetic, a biased exponent is the result of adding some constant (called the bias) to the exponent chosen to make the range of the exponent nonnegative. ...
A tree (also called a bicentral tree) having two nodes that are graph centers. The numbers of bicentered trees on n=1, 2, ... nodes are 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 11, 20, 51, 108 ...
Bicentric perspective is the study of the projection of 3D space from a pair of fiducial points instead of a single one, the latter of which may be called "centric" or ...
Let P be a point with trilinear coordinates alpha:beta:gamma=f(a,b,c):f(b,c,a):f(c,ab) and P^' be a point with trilinear coordinates ...
The Bickart points are the foci F_1 and F_2 of the Steiner circumellipse. They have trilinear coordinates alpha_1:beta_1:gamma_1 and alpha_2:beta_2:gamma_2, where alpha_i = ...
A bicolorable graph G is a graph with chromatic number chi(G)<=2. A graph is bicolorable iff it has no odd graph cycles (König 1950, p. 170; Skiena 1990, p. 213; Harary 1994, ...
The bicorn, sometimes also called the "cocked hat curve" (Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 72), is the name of a collection of quartic curves studied by Sylvester in 1864 and ...
The quartic curve given by the implicit equation (x^2-a^2)(x-a)^2+(y^2-a^2)^2=0, (1) so-named because of its resemblance to a tooth. The bicuspid curve has cusps at (a,-a) ...
A coordinate system which is similar to bispherical coordinates but having fourth-degree surfaces instead of second-degree surfaces for constant mu. The coordinates are given ...
