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For any algebraic number x of degree n>2, a rational approximation p/q to x must satisfy |x-p/q|>1/(q^n) for sufficiently large q. Writing r=n leads to the definition of the ...
The Paris-Harrington theorem is a strengthening of the finite Ramsey's theorem by requiring that the homogeneous set be large enough so that cardH>=minH. Clearly, the ...
A theorem of fundamental importance in spectroscopy and angular momentum theory which provides both (1) an explicit form for the dependence of all matrix elements of ...
If two groups are residual to a third, every group residual to one is residual to the other. The Gambier extension of this theorem states that if two groups are ...
Let p be prime and r = r_mp^m+...+r_1p+r_0 (0<=r_i<p) (1) k = k_mp^m+...+k_1p+k_0 (0<=k_i<p), (2) then (r; k)=product_(i=0)^m(r_i; k_i) (mod p). (3) This is proved in Fine ...
Tutte's wheel theorem states that every polyhedral graph can be derived from a wheel graph via repeated graph contraction and edge splitting. For example, the figure above ...
The fundamental theorem of game theory which states that every finite, zero-sum, two-person game has optimal mixed strategies. It was proved by John von Neumann in 1928. ...
The Maclaurin-Bézout theorem says that two curves of degree n intersect in n^2 points, so two cubics intersect in nine points. This means that n(n+3)/2 points do not always ...
An extremely powerful theorem in physics which states that each symmetry of a system leads to a physically conserved quantity. Symmetry under translation corresponds to ...
A theorem, also known as Bachet's conjecture, which Bachet inferred from a lack of a necessary condition being stated by Diophantus. It states that every positive integer can ...
