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Given any real number theta and any positive integer N, there exist integers h and k with 0<k<=N such that |ktheta-h|<1/N. A slightly weaker form of the theorem states that ...
Every bounded infinite set in R^n has an accumulation point. For n=1, an infinite subset of a closed bounded set S has an accumulation point in S. For instance, given a ...
For any positive integer k, there exists a prime arithmetic progression of length k. The proof is an extension of Szemerédi's theorem.
A bounded entire function in the complex plane C is constant. The fundamental theorem of algebra follows as a simple corollary.
The number of ways in which a group of n with weights sum_(i=1)^(n)w_i=1 can change a losing coalition (one with sumw_i<1/2) to a winning one, or vice versa. It was proposed ...
If P be a point in the plane of an equilateral triangle DeltaABC, then the lengths of line segments AP, BP, and CP correspond the sides of a triangle, which is degenerate ...
If there exists a rational integer x such that, when n, p, and q are positive integers, x^n=q (mod p), then q is the n-adic residue of p, i.e., q is an n-adic residue of p ...
Every nonplanar graph contains either the utility graph K_(3,3) (i.e., the complete bipartite graph on two sets of three vertices) or the pentatope graph K_5 as a ...
The Reynolds transport theorem, also called simply the Reynolds theorem, is an important result in fluid mechanics that's often considered a three-dimensional analog of the ...
In functional analysis, the Lax-Milgram theorem is a sort of representation theorem for bounded linear functionals on a Hilbert space H. The result is of tantamount ...
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