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Poisson's theorem gives the estimate (n!)/(k!(n-k)!)p^kq^(n-k)∼e^(-np)((np)^k)/(k!) for the probability of an event occurring k times in n trials with n>>1, p<<1, and np ...
If X is any compact space, let A be a subalgebra of the algebra C(X) over the reals R with binary operations + and ×. Then, if A contains the constant functions and separates ...
In the most commonly used convention (e.g., Apostol 1967, pp. 202-204), the first fundamental theorem of calculus, also termed "the fundamental theorem, part I" (e.g., Sisson ...
"Stampacchia's theorem" is a name given to any number of related results in functional analysis, and while the body of the theorem often varies depending on the literature ...
The Löwenheim-Skolem theorem is a fundamental result in model theory which states that if a countable theory has a model, then it has a countable model. Furthermore, it has a ...
Bürmann's theorem deals with the expansion of functions in powers of another function. Let phi(z) be a function of z which is analytic in a closed region S, of which a is an ...
The Kronecker-Weber theorem, sometimes known as the Kronecker-Weber-Hilbert theorem, is one of the earliest known results in class field theory. In layman's terms, the ...
A theorem in the theory of univalent conformal mappings of families of domains on a Riemann surface, containing an inequality for the coefficients of the mapping functions, ...
The invariance of domain theorem states that if f:M->N is a one-to-one and continuous map between n-manifolds without boundary, then f is an open map.
Let there be three polynomials a(x), b(x), and c(x) with no common factors such that a(x)+b(x)=c(x). Then the number of distinct roots of the three polynomials is one or more ...
